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okay, i'm a lurker. i totally read your blog all the time, but seldom comment. can i just say right now that i love your patterns and tutorials? i have given so many of your projects as gifts and they are always received with delight. you really have a gift for explaining how to do things so that that there is absolutely NO confusion. i just read through this tutorial and it is no exception. i certainly hope you are working on a book....or something. i would buy it. thanks for all you do. you're an inspiration.


you thrill me yet again!
about craft hope...can i tell you that i thought of you and your "neighborly" sweater immediately? truly, could there have been a better instance of being neighborly? i think not. as always, i think that you are just the very best!
and or course it sold in an instant. ;)


eeek! i must know more about that super cute interior envelope fabric!!!


I saw this earlier - congrats, it's super cool!!


I just saw it on sew mama sew. I just got a piece of linen that would be perfect for this!

Account Deleted

such a fantastic project! so many thanks for sharing.

sew katie did

Adorable. Hope I can find time to make one.

Simone Schermann

Is this your secret? Well, great as always.


this is beautiful. i'm using alot of linen nowadays too.^_^


This is just the cutest thing!

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