• Mild Mannered

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Cindy Schwabenland

You come up with the greatest ideas! I wish that I had a couple of these when my kids were younger!


Oh, I love this! (and I actually want one for myself...I'm thinking I should make a thank you card wallet...)I've been working on something similar for my niece's birthday and to sell at a craft fair. I really like the loop closure Thanks for posting! I look forward to reading more of your blog!:)


Alright, just purchased the pattern. Yay! :D


This is a brilliant idea!


oh! so perfect!! i'm off to buy it right i love instant gratification. :)


are you selling some for those who can't sew?

jennifer - JC handmade

kelly :: yes, i'll be making some for my shop. and possibly some kits, as well. stay tuned!


gorgeous! I love the fabric! THis is such a lovely birthday or holiday gift. very special
thanks for sharing your wealth of creativity xo


I LOVE this!

I know I would have loved one of these when I was younger (even now!)

Aren't you clever? :o)


What a great idea. I always keep a little notepad in my purse for myself to jot down to do lists and anything that comes to mind and the other day we were at a restaurant and our two year old was getting fussy so I tore out a page and told him to draw something for me. That kept him busy for a few more minutes. How wonderful would it be to have a cute case like this on me at all times for him to create. What a treat!

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